Leasing provider Arval is to support October's Tyre Safety Month.

Each year, TyreSafe, the organisers of this national campaign tackle an important issue with the aim of improving road safety. This year the focus is ‘practise safe checks’.

Leasing more than 100,000 vehicles in the UK, Arval understand the importance of safe tyres and so are promoting the campaign to customers and employees to ensure that they are fully aware of the dangers of not taking their tyres seriously.

Driving on tyres with illegal tread depth not only reduces a driver’s safety on the road but can result in a fine of up to £2,500 and three penalty points for each illegal tyre. Tread depth influences the way a vehicle accelerates, brakes and corners so is absolutely essential.

Arval activities this month include vehicle checks, in conjunction with tyre specialist ATS Euromaster, tutorials on the use of gauges, and the distribution a range of information and tips for drivers. Drivers should be checking the air pressure, condition and tread depth of their tyres at least once a month. They can also visit their local participating tyre dealer during Tyre Safety Month for a free check.

Tracey Fuller, customer engagement manager at Arval said: “We regularly provide our employees, and our customers, with a range of road safety information and advice. Tyre Safety month is the perfect opportunity to reinforce the importance of safe tyres. ”

She added: “Anyone can check their tyre tread depth by simply using a 20 pence piece or one of our tyre tread check cards, so this month we will be giving out our cards to employees who can take them home for friends and family.”