Intelligent Telematics has released a series of video clips to demonstrate the added risk of driving on rural roads.

The footage, captured by vehicles using its IT1000 3G camera, highlights some of the dangers faced by fleet drivers resulting from excess speed, lack of concentration and even local wildlife.

It follows the recent publication of the Department of Transports’ annual report on road casualties, which showed that more than half of all fatal collisions last year occurred in non built-up areas.

Intelligent Telematics’ director Sam Footer said: “Despite often being more hazardous than urban roads, the national speed limit still applies for much of the rural road network.

“The narrow nature of many rural roads, combined with blind twists and turns and other distractions, means there is greater risk of losing control if not driving with due care and attention, especially when travelling at higher speed.”

One of the videos shows an oncoming car spinning wildly out of control before slamming into the commercial vehicle, shooting glass into the camera.

Intelligent Telematics believes that speeding plays a key role in a number of the recorded incidents, even when the vehicle involved is travelling within the legal speed limit.

“What these videos show is the need for fleets to educate their drivers on the dangers they face when travelling on rural roads,” said Footer

“These incidents are putting lives at risk as well as causing significant operational disruption, but in most cases, they can be avoided with lower speeds and greater levels of concentration.

“By adopting a connected camera solution, fleets are now able to monitor all collisions, near misses and harsh driving events, which is helping to identify potential issues and encourage a safety-first approach.”