RAC has been awarded a five-year contract for accident management services by Hitachi Capital Vehicle Solutions, adding to breakdown services already taken by the company.

The deal Hitachi Capital’s 20,000-strong fleet of accident managed cars, commercial vehicles and driving instructor vehicles access to the RAC’s new accident management service, complementing provision for Hitachi Capital’s total fleet of 63,000 vehicles by the breakdown service.

The two organisations have been working together since 2011 and through the development of new services, Hitachi says its clients will receive best-in-class levels of service and initiatives aimed at addressing real fleet manager concerns.

David Aldridge, RAC business services director, said: “The way Hitachi Capital works to continually improve its level of service and customer experience is very much in line with the RAC way of operating, so there is a real match in the way we do business.

“This has led to a strong partnership that we believe will continue to grow and deliver major benefits to Hitachi Capital’s fleet. Having invested significantly in our Accident Management service, systems, personnel and infrastructure we know that we are in the best place possible to meet the needs of the fleet and ensure we support Hitachi in the best way possible.”

Tim Bowden, head of operations for Hitachi Capital Car Solutions added: “The appointment of the RAC for accident management services is a strong strategic fit for our organisation. 

“Provided alongside the breakdown services, the appointment presents a number of opportunities for us to drive further benefits for our customers. We were very pleased with the professional approach adopted during implementation by the RAC and we look forward to jointly developing further initiatives.”