Leasing companies which use the Leaselink e-procurement platform to source and order their new vehicles have been able to generate savings in time, costs and head count, according to new independent analysis. For the 12,000 new vehicle orders that were measured in this sample, Leaselink generated savings of 91.43 working weeks, based on a 35-hour week, or the equivalent of 1.95 employees.

When it came to handling new vehicle enquiries, including checking specification, options and availability, the manual process took 22 minutes, compared to just 4 minutes for the electronic process through Leaselink.

Research by Leaselink supplier, Oxford-based online solutions provider Ebbon-Dacs, has already shown that the e-procurement platform delivers costs savings of 10-15% over old, traditional methods.

“At a time when many fleet operators are looking to increase efficiencies in their business to maintain or improve margins, e-procurement can generate significant savings in vehicle acquisition costs which can be delivered straight to the bottom line, said Ebbon-Dacs managing director Rob Pilkington.

“Those companies that continue to rely on old, outdated manual methods are clearly missing out and incurring far more costs than are necessary throughout the vehicle procurement process,” he said.

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