Transport businesses must take extra care that their systems for checking driving licences of people driving for work are “robust and enforced”.

Drivers must also make their employers aware if they have any health issues which may affect their driving capability, said TTC Automotive director Simon Baugh.

Businesses are legally responsible under health and safety legislation and have a duty of care to ensure all business drivers hold a valid driving licence and are fit to drive, he said.

One national firm recently “had a close shave” when one of their drivers had their driving licence revoked because of ill health – a fact they did not share with their employers.

“It nearly got under the radar but for the checks we made,” said Mr Baugh.

“We discovered that the licence was rescinded but the employee had not made the company aware despite the fact that they were still driving a company car.

"This exposed the company to a massive potential risk.

“Business drivers should come clean and tell their employers about any discrepancy on their licence as clearly not everyone does.”

The company involved was responsible with good business practices in place, he said.

“We work with businesses and the public sector to ensure their drivers are safe and legal on the roads and employers can then have peace of mind about their duty of care responsibilities.”


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